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Travelling alone

Travelling alone makes me feel awkward at times. For example, when I check in at a camping and they ask me 3 times if I am certain that I am with one person. When I stop at small villages along the highway and walk into a bar for coffee and it is filled with old men drinking alcoholic beverages at 11am, looking at me as if I am an alien. When I eat at a restaurant on my own and people keep asking me if I am not expecting anyone to join me.

Other than that (and the occasional lonely rainy night), travelling alone is awesome. Especially because you meet a lot of different people. Crazy bicycler’s for example, and a lot of pensioned people. They “travel” in gigantic motorhomes and bring their birds (or cats) in cages, have satellite TV and a scooter and/or a car tied behind their motorhome. They also have good advice for a girl and a poodle travelling on their own: “NEVER open the door for anyone at night”. Thank you.

At the moment Willie and I are in the mountains in the south of Spain. Where at night there are 1000 stars and the air is clear and crisp. Yoga when the sun rises and sitting by the fire at night. We are working on a “finca” for a while to practise Spanish and learn new things. Hopefully Willie will learn not to chase cats as much and I will learn to feel at home wherever.

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